Vincent Lamaille(Belgium)
Full-time self-employed farrier since 2004, since I finished school at Brussels, started to compete in 2002, and more seriously since 2005, mainly in France at that time.
Numerous results and wins in Europe and abroad, some highlights :
– 3rd on the World Championship Blacksmiths, Calgary 2024
– French cup winner 2010
– 2 times fop 5 finisher individual at Stoneleigh’s Internationals
– Werkman Spring Games winner 2019
I’ve been honored to be asked to judge loads of competitions during all these years, small to huge ones. Nowadays I shoe almost only showjumpers. I had some of these when I started then for a long period I didn’t want any sport stables in my clients… Was lucky to meet some really good people who brought me back in this in 2014, and still without any regrets!
Looking forward to meet you all (again for the most of you), and thanks already for competing, pushing your own limits further everytime!

Tobias Vilsen (Denmark)
– Danish farrier started in 1998
– Been competing since 1999
– Won several classes and international championships
– dip WCF
– been doing clinics around Europe
– been judging several international competitions
– been an examiner
– been head teacher of the Danish farrier school
Daniel Bennet AWCF (UK)
Has been a Farrier and competitor for 30 years.
Trained by the British Army and competed at Stoneleigh on 7 occasions.
He has competed and judged in many countries including the UK, Switzerland, Italy, France and Australia. Is a lecturer at the Hereford School of Farriery and has been a part of the British Farriers and Blacksmiths Association’s Craft Committee and is the Chief Steward at the Stoneleigh International. He is Also the founder and host of the Lockdown Farriery Podcast.

Andrea Ridolfo (Italy)
Andrea Ridolfo born in 1990.
2010 military farriery school in Grosseto, in the same year he starts prodicing own forging tools since he didn’t found good tools in that era.
2011 starts competing in the italian farriery team and took part at the international farrier team competition in Verona, and finished 3rd position.
after that he start following farriery courses with some top farriers in the world (Darren Bazin, David Varini) and some stages with Grant Moon, Vincent Lamaille, Ludovic Mathieu)
2012 2014 2016 he took part at the europeans (2014 finished in the top 20)
2013 2015 2017 2019 he took part at the Werkman spring games with always good positions (2015 11th 2019 13th)
winner of a few competitions in italy and in europe.
from 2014 starts producing forging tools to selling by farriers suppliers in italy and with concave 4 U in uk.
from 2018 he improved the quality and the shape of his tools and they became some of the best forging tools on the market and starts selling in exclusive world wide with handmade shoes uk.
Ridolfo farrier tools are always made from andrea, and he makes every tool like if he has to use it.